Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Beginings

A New Year, a new beginning. Everyone has things they want to accomplish with the start of a new year. I am hoping to actually stick and follow through with mine. The biggest three are to eat right and exercise more; and most importantly to figure out what I want to do with my life. Don't get me wrong I am very happy with my choices thus far; I just want to further my career and education. During Tyler's stay in the hospital I began thinking about nursing. So I will try to look into that option and see if it is something i could do.

Speaking of Tyler, he has been home from the hospital for about 2 weeks now and is doing really well. The surgery went well, I was a nervous wreck at the hospital since I don't have much experience with that. I am just glad that he is home safe and doing well. It has been a very stressful two weeks for me; but it is definitely getting better. Soon he will start seeing the changes in his body and be able to begin his new life.

That's it for now.